Sunday, April 02, 2006

4/1/06 Testimony of the Samaritan Woman (John 4)

With most of the members going to the two excellent retreats, a small group met at Shih-Chi and Liu Lei's warm and beautiful home. Jenny prepared maps of key geographic locations referenced in the scripture, and lead us in the study of John 4.

After the sharings, the wonderful hosts provided a delicious and abundant "Love Feast", Liue Lei even played her Accordion for us. Check out the pictures and emails to see what you've missed!

Here are some emails after the meeting:
#1 of 2

Thank YOU, Shih-Chi and Lei, For your wonderful hospitality! It was one of the most enjoyable bible study meetings ever! Thank you, too, Jenny, for the nice visual aides :) And Tony and Wendar for enhacing my leaning experience, as always. See you at the Passover Meal, Tina

#2 of 2

Dear Shih-Chi and Lei, You two are wonderful hosts, we enjoyed your warm and loving home very much. Thank you very much for hosting and providing the healthy and delicious love feast with strawberries, porridge, and my favorite egg tart. It was delightful to hear Lei playing the Accordion. Like Tina's thumb indicated in the picture, you guys are the best. :) Sometimes, it is only in a small group like what we had last time, we are able to have close interactions with each other. Thank you Jenny for the wonderful preparation and lead, it was also very touching to hear Tina's story and Lei's story about the conversion of her roommates. In deed, it is not at this mountain or at that mountain, it is the worship in Spirit and in Truth that is the most precious. Praise and thank the Lord for giving us this opportunity to share our 'life' together. May God bless and lead us always, +Tony & Wendar