Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Guest Speaker on 9/1 (Jenny Pama)

Dear Lighthouse,
There will not be a Bible study on 9/1. Instead, we will have a guest speaker, Sister Yueh.
Sister Yueh is a very experienced "counselor' in many areas. She can talk about anything and/or answer any of your questions. Below is a little bio of Sister Yueh.
Sister Yueh wants us to decide the topic(s) of 9/1's talk. She is open to anything.
So email me you ideas by the end of this week.
*This event is organized by Agnes. Thank you Agnes.-Jenny
(岳安邦叔叔=Legion of Mary's Leader in SJCCC)
也擔任東吳,輔仁, 等大學天主教大專同學會的輔導­