Lighthouse and Cornerstone members participated in two more community service events on December 15th.
Some helped sort and serve food at the St Anthony's Padua Dining Room. Others helped pack food at Sacred Heart Community Service.
Lighthouse Bible Study Group - San Jose & SF Bay Area Chinese Catholic Young Adult Bilinqual Bible study. We meet on 1st and 3rd Saturdays every month. Send us a comment to contact us.
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Here are something we would like you to know...
12/8 (Sat)
7:30 Mass - The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
(Solemnity & mandatory) at St. Clare's upper Church.
晚上7:30 - St. Clare's 樓上教堂, 聖母無染原罪瞻禮中文彌撒。
Charismatic Prayer Meeting canceled due to the time conflict.
12/9 (Sun)
Evergreen Group Activity 松柏組活動
at 85 South 5th Street, San Jose, CA
09:00 - 10:00 am Mass 彌撒
10:00 - 12:00 pm Reconciliation and Anointing of Elderly 告解,傅油
12:00 - 01:00 pm Lunch 午餐
12/16 (Sun) SJCCC 2007 聖誕晚會
5:00 pm - Christmas dinner party starts right after 3 pm Mass
時間: 12/16 (週日) ,5:00pm
地點: Parish Hall
門票: 大人和10 歲以上青年 預先購票: $7 當日購票: $8
4-10 歲小孩預先購票: $4 當日購票: $5
請於彌撒後在川廊購賣晚餐券, 12/9 最後預購機會。
*** 目前聖誕老人從缺,急徵義工,僅需出場30分鐘,拜託,拜託! ***
SJCCC 2007 Christmas Celebration
Time: 12/16 at 5:00pm
Place: Parish Hall
Tickets: Adults and youth 10 yrs & up - $7, at the door: $8
4-10 years old child - $4, at the door $5
kids below 4 are free.
Tickets are now on sale at the hall across the church.
The last chance pre-sale day is 12/9.
*** So far no Santa Claus candidate, urgent request for volunteer,
only 30-minute show up time. Please help. ***
I hope you enjoy the season of joy and may God bless you! Thanks!