Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Host, lead and snack persons are needed for Lighthouse bible study 2008 schedule. Please sign up./Joanne Ho

Hi Lighthouse friends,
Happy Holidays!!
Year 2008 is just around the corner. I would like to start planning for our 08 bible study schedule and asking for volunteer hosts, bible study leads and snack persons, especially for January to March 2008.
Please see the attached spreadsheet for draft schedule.
- Yellow dates are bible study in the Fremont area. However, all are welcome to join and support!!
- 3/22 is the day before Easter. Just like last year, we can have potluck together and attend vigil mass afterward.
I also provide Jan 08 to Jun 08 Sunday mass readings for your reference. Dean and I will update our Lighthouse calendar website later this month.
Please sign up with me as soon as possible.
Thanks in advance for your generosity, talent and time. I am looking forward to grow spiritually and be enriched by God's words with you in 2008.