Monday, March 07, 2005

3/5/05 Bible study - church in the home of Prisca and Aquila

Eugene led the study of Romans 16 at Martina's mom's home in Palo Alto. Theresa led the worship and ending prayers with Hans playing guitar. Ken brought snacks.

Eugene told us many stories of people referenced in this chapter, and he prepared many good questions related to the scripture:
  • In an extremely dangerous environment (like Paul's situation or during period of religious persecution in China), who in this world do you trust?
  • What are the advantages of having priests (that are single instead of couple)?
  • What are the advantages of having lay people, married couples to preach?
  • Who bought you into the faith, were you introduced into the church by a priest (or other religious) or by lay people?
  • Whom have we bought into the faith?
  • What experiences give you special bonding with other people? (my key take away: MISSION)
  • What family or religious rituals (re: holy kiss) brings kinship & closeness?
Eugene repeatedly point out how woman contributed significant roles in the early church.

One of my own major take away was the church in the home of Prisca and Aquila (Rm. 16:3-5). We have go to keep building the church in our homes.